ASIC extends COVID-19 Relief for Advisors

19 October 2021

ASIC has announced the extension and reintroduction of relief for financial advisors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last week, ASIC:

  • Extended the “Record of Advice relief”, which allows financial advisors to provide existing clients with a Record of Advice, rather than a Statement of Advice, where the advisor is providing time sensitive advice about adverse effects caused by COVID-19; and
  • Reintroduced relief allowing financial advisors 20 business days, rather than 5, to provide a Statement of Advice after time-critical advice has been provided to a client.

The further extended measures will run until 15 April 2022.

You can read our earlier article about ASIC’s temporary COVID-19 relief for the financial services industry here:

While the extended relief will provide welcome breathing space, financial advisors also need to remain aware of their obligation to keep a record of any COVID-19 advice which includes details of:

  • The client’s relevant personal circumstances in relation to the COVID-19 advice;
  • Brief particulars of the recommendations made; and
  • Brief particulars of the information that would be required in a Statement of Advice if a replacement product was recommended, if applicable.

ASIC’s Media Release, along with copies of the relevant legislative instruments, is available at:

If you are not sure about your obligations when providing financial advice to clients facing difficulty due to the COVID-19 pandemic, call us today to receive expert legal advice